What is this about??

                           Introducing 1st time in India iSensoBotz on ARDUINO with ROBOTC is a microcontroller based introductory autonomous robotics workshop by ARK Technosolutions, where you learn the art of making autonomous robots. This workshop teaches you the fundamentals of designing and building autonomous robots by integration with a microcontroller. It also focuses on conceptualization and designing of complex systems and will help clear concepts related to embedded systems, artificial intelligence and automation.
                              Apart from the theoretical sessions, participants would be working on autonomous robotics kit specially designed by Team ARK. This kit includes, microcontroller based board, sensors, actuators etc. Hands on sessions on this kit will help the participants to enhance their embedded C programming and PC hardware interfacing skills.

What will you learn after attending the work shop:-

 Details on microcontroller
 Programming the microcontroller using ARDUINO Interface
 Interfacing and controlling various devices like LED, motors, sensors etc with microcontroller
 Use of ADC for different interface control
 Making of various types of robots their algorithms and coding
 Application of micro controllers in industry, military, medical, home appliances, home automation etc
 Use of sound sensors and it’s application

The Robots Can be made using this kit:-

 Line follower robot with ROBOTC
 Timer control robot
 Obstacle Avoider Robot
 Obstacle Follower Robot
 Photo Phobic Robot
 Phototropic Robot
 Sound controlled robot…. And many other applications

The concepts to be covered are:-

 Types of Autonomous Robots
 Elements of an autonomous robot
 Microcontroller based robots
 Pre programmed robots
 Self learning robots


 Overview of available microcontrollers
 The ATMEGA series of micro controller and its core
 Its features and capabilities

Programming of IDE

 Use of ARDUINO Software
 Writing code
 Accessing various functions of micro controller
 Implementation of various algorithms
 Implementation of artificial intelligence


 DC Geared motors
 Stepper Motors
 Servo Motors
 Motor Drivers
 Electromechanical: Relays
 Solid-state drivers: H-bridge, IC drivers


 Light: LDR, photodiodes, phototransistors
 Heat: Thermostats
 Sound mike
 Ultra-Sonics
 Mechanical touch sensors

Power Supplies

 AC adaptor
 Different types of batteries